Early in the morning, nagged my bf to wake up so we could do some groceries for the big nite. Yes, he finally woke up! Went to Carrefoure @ Cheras since bf needs to meet up with his staff there. But before our mission started, we both were hungry and curious the stall just around the corner which serve juicy Char Siew! That really caught our eyes, and bf claimed that that is a very famous stall(according to his friend seja lah...). With hesitation, we tried..BUT nothing special bout it oso, not up to our expectation gey....Luckily a cheap meal, RM10.50 for both of us only...
Then groceries time!!!!Was excited browsing the rack(i know, that's the best alternative to shop for clothes and shoes!!But i gotta be good gal, cant spend $$ on shopping anymore since my 'Big Day' is around the corner and we need to save up for honeymoon). Not bad, shopping for groceries!!!At least i'm qualify to be an aunty or housewife..hehehehe....
Off we went home...Cleaned up the messy house(it looked like it has be blown by a tornado before), and prepare for the steamboat....Cut, Cut, Cut, Chop, Chop, Chop.....la la la.....Sometimes i really enjoy being a housewife(but that only lasts for 3 minutes lah....)
Suddenly, it rained heavily and i was sooo worry that no 1 would turn up for dinner.....Waited til 6pm, 6.15pm, 6.30pm....Time flies...Finally, my sis turned up at 7pm, followed by Lau who came at 7.30pm....But where're the rest of our gang????I started to panic, what if they decided not to turn up or postpone? Luckily my phone rang at 8pm. Guess who? Angeline, Adrian and Cheng Leong arrived at last....
We had a great time cooking and eating, and trying our best to finish all the food(yeah, i know i should be dieting for my wedding, but, who can resist good food!!!). Halfway thru the dinner, we managed to turn the living room into a mini theather, and enjoying watching Slumdog Millionnaire....
Happy moments do pass easily....We had to call it a nite when everyone left at bout 12am.....When can we have another round of 'dinner nite in'???
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