Thursday, October 1, 2009
Pre-Wedding Photos
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
WhAt Can I Be If I'm NoT An UnDerWriTeR?
Wondering what can I be if I leave this job and venture into some other industries? What type of job suits me better? A shopping planner? A housewife? A babysitter? A baker? A fashion designer? A dancer? A choreograher? A wedding planner? Or an ' overwriter' (what does this mean? -_-'''''')? There's so many ''???????'' on my head....
Perhaps you guys should give me some idea on this....
TiMe Is NeVeR EnOugH....
Shall get back to my usual lifestyle soon--time to relax, time to suft internet, time to blog!!!!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Date: 22nd August 2009
Venue: PJ
Friday, August 14, 2009
InTeRNeT's BaCk!!!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Aft3r A LoNg SilenCe
So where am i know?Sitting at Starbucks Bangsar and sipping Caramel Frapuchino while updating my blog.'s only 11.09pm and I feel sooooo tired.....Jokingly asking bf whether we're going into 'old man's life' whereby we're stuck at Starbucks on a Friday night, when we're suppose to be out there clubbing and having fun!!!
Yawn....gee....i think i really need my, can we go home now??
Thursday, July 16, 2009
DuRiAn Nit3...
The durian feast........
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Fr3d's UnForGeTaBle BirThDaY
Fred posing in front of the camera with a table full of good food....A variety of kim chi's'.....
My favourite Kim-Chi soup........
I-ta-ta-ki-mas!!!!! Time to conquer the food!!!!
A 'must order' dish for us everytime we go for Korean food- Bibimbab. But this round we ordered something different--> House specialty Octopus Bibimbab...Not bad though!~!~
Felt something was missing!!Yes, it was the birthday cake. Didn't get him a birthday cake this time, coz Adrian bought him a cake during Fred's pre-birthday celebration dinner last nite...
Discovered something when we wanted to leave....Car tire punctured!!!!!! Poor birthday boy gotta change tire....
We headed home straight away before another tired got puntured again... -_-''''''
Sunday, July 12, 2009
SkiNCar3 Day!!!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
No MoRe ShooTiNg plzzzzzz....
Went for our 2nd wedding photo shooting yesterday, and this time we were honoured to be the models as doing a favour for Ivy & Louis's upcoming wedding planner cafe. Didn't enjoy the shooting as much as the 1 we had with Anson, instead this round was soooooooooooo damb tired!!!
Started the day at 8am when we gotta reach Ivy's house for make-up preparation--> then drove to Ulu Yam for shooting--> after that, had a late lunch at 3pm before heading back to Ivy's house for a short nap--> started our 'assignment' again at 7pm, got ready and rushed to Putrajaya for night shot. The time we reached Putrajaya was already 10pm, wonder if the photos gonna turn out to be nice...-->11pm, suddenly rain heavily, so ended up for supper instead....
Gee, by the time we reached home, we were totally flat out....
Sunday, July 5, 2009
PeN@ng IpOh Trip PaRt II....
Waited for elder sis to wake up. Yeah, usually she's the last 1 to wake up, coz she usually go hunting at night!!! Wuahahahhahaa......Sis, hint hint, next time better dont be piggy lah, wake up earlier and shake your butt~!!!~Finally, woke up at 10am after got nagging from dad...
Started off our 1/2 day tour to Ipoh...Ipoh, Ipoh, here I come!!!!!
The journey from Penang to Ipoh seem soooooooo long and I was getting bored and impatience sitting in the car. Poor bf gotta be the driver and yet no complaints from him!!
We stopped by at one of the food arcade and bought some junk food-->mangosteen!!!
Fred: Yes uncle! But I think i chose the 'rotten' wife lah, she's very fierce oh, how ah?I scared lah....
Daddy: -_-'''''''''' (speechless!!)
Trying on the mangosteen....
Daddy: Coz I purposely choose the 'rotten' 1, just like your wife mah....
Fred: -_-'''''' (What a lesson from Daddy!!)
Finally, we reached Ipoh and started our food hunt mission.
First destination--> The famous Lou(Old) Wong beansprout chicken (nga choi gai)After a sumptious lunch, we headed for our next destination for dessert
Drive-thru Soya milk + soya beancurd store.....You can only get this in Ipoh with a drive thru concept, feel as if I'm having my McD drivethru...hehehehe......And you need to know how to order your food:-
White+white= soya beancurd + soya milk
black+ white= soya milk + cincau
* photo taken by bf, that's why the it turned out to be such a low quality photo...hehehe...
After that, headed to titbits shops to buy ration--> famous local made biscuits!!!!
Satisfied with a handful of purchase, we continued our food hunt journey again--> third meal within 3 hours!!!! Drove to Ipoh Garden, found out there was a new foodcourt which we have yet to try. Should be good as the foodcourt was packed with food finders even at 3.30pm....Guess that was the time people usually go for afternoon tea (Ha ngmm cha- in cantonese)...
fruit rojak and Ipoh chee cheong fan...
Roast pork, special request by sister.....see the ring? That's sister, cant wait to try the food...
Roti kahwin(or so called roti bakar with Kaya+butter)
Bf enjoying his all time favourite- ABC
The food maniac!!!! Everything bout food!!!
Mission accomplished!!! Started our journey back to Penang again......
Reached Penang just in time to have our last meal for the day-dinner, before we headed back to KL again......Dad recommend this Thai/fushion cousine nearby our hotel which serve very good Tom Yam Goong!!!!!Must try.....
The Koh family's hungry face....hehehhe....
Had Chendol as dessert to smooth our pallet after a sumptious meal.....Burp!!!so fulll.....
Time flies.....How I wish tomorrow is still weekend!~!~!~! Time to drive back to KL again~~~~
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Penang Trip- Day 1
A closer look at the unique cakes that includes cheesecame, meringue, fruit tarts and chocolate cake, strawberry chocolate dip....sinful treat!!!
Sis took this photo and insisted me to upload to my blog--> the Colonial style costume, bicycle and revolving door......
After that, we drove around the city and discovered this......squatting while eating at the roadside...Think you can only get this kind of tradition in Penang....
While passing through the rows of shops in front of Traders Hotel, dad discovered something special-->FOOD again!! This round is at the small lane between the row of shoplots.... boiled peanut dessert. I've never tried something as good as this!!!!Must try..and this stall is famous among the local too!!! Guess we're qualify to be the King & Queen of Food Hunt!!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Work Work Work.......
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The MeaNiNg Of MaRRiaGe.....
Many times we may have neglected the real meaning of a wedding ceremony. And at times we tense to focus on wedding day itself rather than life after marriage... But the love of this couple really show us what is Love and Marriage..Salute to Thuy and Javier!!!!
Dear Frederick, thank you for loving me more and more each day, and thank you for loving who I am. Thank you for always being by my side and never let me fall, thank you for lifting me up when I'm down and thank you for having such a blessed husband. I promise to love you now...and forever. This is our promise til we part....
P/S: Thanks Anson for sharing such a meaningful website....
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
PhoTo ChooSiNg DaY
Bf and I totally love the photos...
Thanx a zillion to:-
~Anson(chief photographer) for the terrific snapshots and supervision, You're simply the best!!!
~ Helen(make-up artist) for the artistic bf cant stop praising your 'piece of work' on us...
~ Ah How(photograher assistant) for the fun and laughter you've brought to us...
~ Meiz(sales personnel) for the coordination and most importantly, recommended Anson as our photograher!!! We have fallen in love with him....ooppssss, Anson, make sure your gf doesn't read this part yeah...
*Crew of Love Vision Bridal Shop, Jalan Loke Yew Branch
We thought we could have the photo choosing process done within an hour and thought that it was quite silly of people using hours when selecting their photos. True enough that we spent not an hour, not 2 hrs, not 3 hrs...but almost 4 hours from choosing photos, adding photos(OoohhhHhhhhh..Anson and Meiz, we 'died' in your hand again this round), selecting frames, album cover etc.......What an experience!!
But we find this a truly interesting and enjoyable moments for pre-wedding preparation.....Cant wait to have our 1st year wedding anniversary photo taking again...(yeah, we've already planned to have 'marriage' photos on every wedding anniversary...)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
At LaSt!!!
Friday, June 12, 2009
ShoRt Br3aK
Will return on 14th, till then, enjoy your weekend@!!~!~!`
Sunday, June 7, 2009
LoNgiNg 4 F00d...
We were exhausted and hungry after the photo session. Now I can fully understand why models are always so skinny, coz they hardly have time for food during photo shooting...
Our food hunt destination for this round was at buffet steamboat at Tasty Pot at Sunway.
Tasty Pot buffet steamboat...Our 1st time there...
BF enjoying his chicken wings as starter.....
Posing for another shot please.....
Half way through eating, bf MIA..Wonder where was he..oOOoooohHHhhhhh...can you see that he's queuing up for his favourite--ice-cream!!!
Pre-WeDDing PhoTo SeSSioN PaRt II
Reached the bridal shop at 11am sharp, but got to know that our make-up artist, Helen, was tied up with department meeting. No worries, since we have got lots of time for the day....Be patience, everything will be just fine...Finally Helen arrived after 30 minutes and started our 'big project' without further delay. Discussed with Helen what type of hairstyle we prefered, any particular colors to use, etc...Helen just knew what we wanted and I trusted her fully.....
After the first 2 hours of make-up, got ready and started off our outdoor shooting @ The Magnificant Fish&Chip at Changkat Alor. Thanks Chia Wei for organising the venue, and thanks Paul for sparing your restaurant for us to complete our shooting.....It was sooooooo much fun! And the venue was just perfect for our shooting effect.....Not forgeting Anson, our professional photographer, who managed to turn a plain scene into something extraordinary...
We managed to finish our shooting at about 7pm, that was quite a long day though....We were down with an empty stomach by then.....
You must have guess where was our next destination then!!Yes, it's food time...
Monday, June 1, 2009
I WaNt My GaRD3n WeDDiNg!!!!!!!!
Been wanting a garden wedding more than anything else.... I don't want a church wedding!!! Can anyone hear me?!?!?!?!?! I hate this..and I totally don't enjoy the thought of having a church wedding at all....Isn't it a wedding is all about the bride and groom?? Why do I need to think of others, especially their feelings..... It should be a 'Me! Me! Me' day, because this is a once in a lifetime thing only. Why do I need to listen to what others want me to do and yet I don't enjoy it at all??? Come to think about it, if the bride & groom don't enjoy it, then what is the purpose of having a church wedding!!!
I just hate the whole church wedding thingy...
AARRRgggggggggggggGGGGGGGGGGGGGggggggggggggHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................................... Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
~:~ RoM GoWn~:~
Couldn't sleep in although it was a weekend. Partly because my photo shooting mood wasn't over yet, and partly because I would be taking my custom-made wedding registration gown today!!!! Yeah.....
After having dim sum with bf at Damansara Uptown, headed to get my gown immediately. Wonder whether my gown would turn up nicely....And it really didn't dissapoint me!! Without much delay, tried the gown and it suit perfectly on me. Bf gave a thumb up too!!!Horray!~!!~!~!
Can't wait to wear it on my Registration Day on 02.09.09......
BeeR F3v3r....
Adrian with his 1/2 pint....
German Roast pork goes well with beer...Yummy~!~!~!
Bf: I feel sooo hungry lah..Can I try some? lol....