Reached the bridal shop at 11am sharp, but got to know that our make-up artist, Helen, was tied up with department meeting. No worries, since we have got lots of time for the day....Be patience, everything will be just fine...Finally Helen arrived after 30 minutes and started our 'big project' without further delay. Discussed with Helen what type of hairstyle we prefered, any particular colors to use, etc...Helen just knew what we wanted and I trusted her fully.....
After the first 2 hours of make-up, got ready and started off our outdoor shooting @ The Magnificant Fish&Chip at Changkat Alor. Thanks Chia Wei for organising the venue, and thanks Paul for sparing your restaurant for us to complete our shooting.....It was sooooooo much fun! And the venue was just perfect for our shooting effect.....Not forgeting Anson, our professional photographer, who managed to turn a plain scene into something extraordinary...
We managed to finish our shooting at about 7pm, that was quite a long day though....We were down with an empty stomach by then.....
You must have guess where was our next destination then!!Yes, it's food time...
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