Oh Yes!! She's expecting another Tiffy Jr. again......
Ki, I'm so excited and happy for you after reading your blog this evening. Without thinking further, took up my mobile phone and sms you to congratutate you on this....
Im sure Tiffy with be happy to have another mui mui or di di to play with sooooooonnnnnn.......Ki, you're very geng, like your friend mentioned in your blog, '3 years carry 2'. Any tips/secret to teach me ah???
Ki, I'm so excited and happy for you after reading your blog this evening. Without thinking further, took up my mobile phone and sms you to congratutate you on this....
Im sure Tiffy with be happy to have another mui mui or di di to play with sooooooonnnnnn.......Ki, you're very geng, like your friend mentioned in your blog, '3 years carry 2'. Any tips/secret to teach me ah???

Tiffy with her cute smile.......
Yeah, Ki. I 'curi' this photo from your blog. Tiffy's soooooo adorable!!!Wonder how will 'Tiffy Jr' look like...
hahaha...bb...who knows maybe u 2 yrs carry 2 le...or 1 yr carry 2 also possible...I hope Tiffy Jr will looks like Woody..u know who is woody?? from Toy story...know why? simple he is COWBOY!!! Get me???