Oohhh..It was Saturday, but it seem more like a Sunday to me because I did not have to work yesterday!!!!
Couldn't sleep in although it was a weekend. Partly because my photo shooting mood wasn't over yet, and partly because I would be taking my custom-made wedding registration gown today!!!! Yeah.....
After having dim sum with bf at Damansara Uptown, headed to get my gown immediately. Wonder whether my gown would turn up nicely....And it really didn't dissapoint me!! Without much delay, tried the gown and it suit perfectly on me. Bf gave a thumb up too!!!Horray!~!!~!~!
Can't wait to wear it on my Registration Day on 02.09.09......
Saturday, May 30, 2009
BeeR F3v3r....
Today was our monthliversary. Initially bf suggested to go Sheraton Hotel for buffet(his favourite buffet spot).....But we were toooo hungry after the photo shooting that we went for lunch in Melacca at about 6pm. Yeah, yeah.... i know it should call tea break rather than lunch, but we didnt have our lunch......
Bf's favourite hang-out place- Brussels Beer Cafe @ Jaya 1
Ice chilled Hoegaarden beer, feel soooooooooooooo good!!!!
1 pint vs 1/2 pint.... Now you see it, now you don't!!!
Yeah..my beer is here.....Let's try!!!!!Cheers!~!~!~!

Adrian with his 1/2 pint....
Bf: I feel sooo hungry lah..Can I try some? lol....
Since we were still full from the sumptious meal we had in Melacca, bf decided to have a drink instead of buffet since we both were a bit tired and full after coming back from Melacca....
Adrian with his 1/2 pint....
German Roast pork goes well with beer...Yummy~!~!~!
Bf: I feel sooo hungry lah..Can I try some? lol....
Friday, May 29, 2009
OuTDooR SHooTiNg @t M3L@cc@
Reached the studio at 10am. Got ready to start our big task. First thing was da make-up session......It took us almost 2 hours to before the final touch. Piew.....
First time bf had a make-up session, syiok or not to be a star for 1 day??wuhahaha....
Bev waiting to be transformed to pretty princess. Hopefully it would really turn out good!!!
The famous and adorable bunch!!!!The crew- Anson(photographer), Helen (Make-up artist), Ah How( assistant)..All pretention to me cute....
See what i mean!?!? Anson with the piglet face.....wuahhahahahah
My hair-do for 2nd outfit......Flowers sponsored by Mr. Frederick Ng(bf). I made him go to the market to buy that for me early in da morning.........
Gee......our stomach were 'having concert'....So hungry lah, dear....Macam mana?? Still more shooting to go..HELP!?!?!
Bf ordering our food at my favourite Chendol shop...... Yummy....
The hungry maniac.....
Wuahahhaa...Anson, you're sooooo funny....Guess bf didnt realise what his 'neighbour' was doing.....

Then ready, get set, go!!!!!!!!!!!! Melacca, here we come.........
We reached Melacca at about 2pm, our butt we totally flat and we were soooo exhausted. Before further delay, we started our shooting. It was soooOOOooooOOoooooo hot out there, and we had to pose, and walked around, and pretend to enjoy the session. Still remember our photographer asked us to pretend that we actually enjoyed the 'sun bath'. OMG, it was like 100 degrees posing under the sun..How to enjoy wor, boss???? And tell you guys a secret, the crew were soooo naughty that they made us pose stupid pose......Made us look like a nerd....Wuahahha, Ah How, you know what I mean rite??Hehehehe.......
It was sooooo much fun. We laughed more than shooting. I didnt understand why some of the couples said it was tiring and freaking stressful when it come to photo shooting. Both of my bf and I actually enjoyed it soooooo much...it was more of fun and the stress of 'wedding'......
Gee......our stomach were 'having concert'....So hungry lah, dear....Macam mana?? Still more shooting to go..HELP!?!?!
After shooting, the first thing I suggested was to fill our tummy with those Melacca delicacies...Saliva dropping already..heheheh
The funny bunch with full tummy.......
After that, started our journey back to KL again....Piew....So tired and sleepy......
Pre-W3ddiNg PhOtO ShOoTiNg PaRt I
Ooohhh......I couldnt sleep for the past few days, partly because worry about my wedding preparation, and partly due to excitement-->my photo shooting day!!!!!Yeah Yeah Yeah......Woke up at 6am this morning and applying my mask while writing blog....In less than 2 hrs, i'll be heading to the studio for my photo shoot....Wish me luck!!!And pray hard it'll be a sunny day, so that i can have my Melacca shoots nicely.......
Thursday, May 28, 2009
In less than 12 hours, I'll be going for my pre-wedding photo shooting..So excited, and looking forward to it.......Wish me Luck!!!!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Hai......So sad lah!! Was wearing my Aldo pointed high heel shoes to office this morning. But when I reached home, discovered my pedicure which I did yesterday was spoilt!!! It was only then 2nd day, wonder what would happen on my photo shooting day...

Toe nails were nicely done-up....
But actually the left foot toe nail was spoilt, I gotta 'repaint' it myself....
Sob sob...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
HeCTiC WeeKeNd
Wow, lots of preparation to do on this weekend before my pre-wedding shooting:-
1) Firstly, went for milk bath at The Garden while bf went for facial. Kiasu gf like me must make sure my bf is in good condition for the shooting....Nothing to shout about for my milk bath, guess I'm getting bored with it already, but I still have many session left in the spa package I bought...
2) Then, rushed to Prince Hotel for Malaysia reknown Photographers Exhibition. This was an invitation from Alyssa who had complementary tickets for friends who are interested. So we rushed to the hotel right after our spa...Who knows it was actually a seminar rather than those roadshow..Paiseh, coz we were late for more than an hour...luckily we still manage to meet up with those famous photograhers in Malaysia, namely Louis Pang, Patrick Low, Jimmy Liaw, Jenny San etc......The workshop was basically a 'lesson' for the bride& groom on all the things that one needs to know when choosing a photographer for their wedding and tips when shooting for wedding potraits..It was such an interesting seminar, and it was only by invitation only..I felt so privilege!!
3) Pedi and Meni session!!! This is an essential thing to do before your photo shooting, trust me!! It is a must!!!
Piew.....So tiring lah....
1) Firstly, went for milk bath at The Garden while bf went for facial. Kiasu gf like me must make sure my bf is in good condition for the shooting....Nothing to shout about for my milk bath, guess I'm getting bored with it already, but I still have many session left in the spa package I bought...
2) Then, rushed to Prince Hotel for Malaysia reknown Photographers Exhibition. This was an invitation from Alyssa who had complementary tickets for friends who are interested. So we rushed to the hotel right after our spa...Who knows it was actually a seminar rather than those roadshow..Paiseh, coz we were late for more than an hour...luckily we still manage to meet up with those famous photograhers in Malaysia, namely Louis Pang, Patrick Low, Jimmy Liaw, Jenny San etc......The workshop was basically a 'lesson' for the bride& groom on all the things that one needs to know when choosing a photographer for their wedding and tips when shooting for wedding potraits..It was such an interesting seminar, and it was only by invitation only..I felt so privilege!!
3) Pedi and Meni session!!! This is an essential thing to do before your photo shooting, trust me!! It is a must!!!
Piew.....So tiring lah....
Saturday, May 23, 2009
SaTuRdAy AcTiViTy
Been thinking to shed a few pounds before my photo shooting next week. So after a few thoughts of hesitation and strict order from bf(to go to gym), be a good girl and 'accompany' bf to gym. But with 1 term and condition, that was to have something to fill my tummy before exercise. Roti canai again..hehehe.....
Sweat, sweat, sweat...Gym, gym, gym!!!!!!
After that, guess where we went? Bf was very hungry and suggested to have nasi lemak straight after gym and off we went.....Told you, I can't resist good food, and dieting is just not my thing!!
Mission failed 3rd time??or 4th???
Sweat, sweat, sweat...Gym, gym, gym!!!!!!
After that, guess where we went? Bf was very hungry and suggested to have nasi lemak straight after gym and off we went.....Told you, I can't resist good food, and dieting is just not my thing!!
Mission failed 3rd time??or 4th???
Friday, May 22, 2009
Y33 LiNg's BiRtHdAy
Happy 26th birthday, Yee Ling!
Although Yee Ling's birthday falls on 23rd May, we had an early celebration for her. Headed to Jalan Imbi for her favourite Pork intestine soup noodle as lunch. But I think both Mui Leng and myself were more excited about it coz it is one of our favourite place for Yao Char Kuay(chinese fried dough). Bought 6 pieces to eat while waiting for our noodles to be serve...Yummy!!!!!
Mui Leng, u know what!@!@! Bev + Mui Leng= always fatty food!!!!!wuahahahahha.....
We managed to gulp down everything before within an hour, so Angie decided that we went to Sg Wang for a quick shopping spree before heading back to office, afterall, it was Friday, so we were entitled for 2 hours(or more) break!! ~Boss will kill us if he reads this, wuahahahahaha....~
Ended up bought nothing but a cake for Yee Ling's birthday....Gee, been eating so many birthday cakes in office these 2 weeks, guess my waistline is expending.....
Blueberry cheesecake from King's Bakery
The birthday girl posing for a candid shot back in office.....

Although Yee Ling's birthday falls on 23rd May, we had an early celebration for her. Headed to Jalan Imbi for her favourite Pork intestine soup noodle as lunch. But I think both Mui Leng and myself were more excited about it coz it is one of our favourite place for Yao Char Kuay(chinese fried dough). Bought 6 pieces to eat while waiting for our noodles to be serve...Yummy!!!!!
Mui Leng, u know what!@!@! Bev + Mui Leng= always fatty food!!!!!wuahahahahha.....
We managed to gulp down everything before within an hour, so Angie decided that we went to Sg Wang for a quick shopping spree before heading back to office, afterall, it was Friday, so we were entitled for 2 hours(or more) break!! ~Boss will kill us if he reads this, wuahahahahaha....~
Ended up bought nothing but a cake for Yee Ling's birthday....Gee, been eating so many birthday cakes in office these 2 weeks, guess my waistline is expending.....

The naugthy gang at Level 6 ~ Back: Mui Leng, Bev, Angie~ Front: Yee Ling, Soo Hua, Christine~
Mui Leng, thanks for letting us to mess up your workstation, later I'll ask the cleaner to wipe your table yeah...hehehhe
Thursday, May 21, 2009
~*@*~ MiSSioN To Sh3d PoUnDs FaiL3d ~*@*~
Been thinking to shed a few pounds before my photo shooting next week. So after a few thoughts of hesitation, got up and headed to the gym since bf is outstation and I didn't have anything to do after work. I know it's like one in a million thing that I would go to gym, but it was a good start though.
So satisfy with my enthusiasm today, decided to skip dinner just for a night....
While driving home after gym, suddenly thought of Adrian, my best buddy when it comes to dessert. Took up my phone and started to dial his number. Ring Ring, Ring Ring........''Hello boss, free for supper?''
Before further delay, we both we sipping white wine and caffe mocha, while eating sumptious pasta and mushroom soup at Bianco, Damansara Perdana. Told you...Bev + Adrian= sinful treats and fattening food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
My mission to shed at least an inch failed again....sob sob.... :(
So satisfy with my enthusiasm today, decided to skip dinner just for a night....
While driving home after gym, suddenly thought of Adrian, my best buddy when it comes to dessert. Took up my phone and started to dial his number. Ring Ring, Ring Ring........''Hello boss, free for supper?''
Before further delay, we both we sipping white wine and caffe mocha, while eating sumptious pasta and mushroom soup at Bianco, Damansara Perdana. Told you...Bev + Adrian= sinful treats and fattening food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
My mission to shed at least an inch failed again....sob sob.... :(
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Oh Y3s, Sh3's ExP3cTiNg AgAiN....
Oh Yes!! She's expecting another Tiffy Jr. again......
Ki, I'm so excited and happy for you after reading your blog this evening. Without thinking further, took up my mobile phone and sms you to congratutate you on this....
Im sure Tiffy with be happy to have another mui mui or di di to play with sooooooonnnnnn.......Ki, you're very geng, like your friend mentioned in your blog, '3 years carry 2'. Any tips/secret to teach me ah???
Ki, I'm so excited and happy for you after reading your blog this evening. Without thinking further, took up my mobile phone and sms you to congratutate you on this....
Im sure Tiffy with be happy to have another mui mui or di di to play with sooooooonnnnnn.......Ki, you're very geng, like your friend mentioned in your blog, '3 years carry 2'. Any tips/secret to teach me ah???

Tiffy with her cute smile.......
Yeah, Ki. I 'curi' this photo from your blog. Tiffy's soooooo adorable!!!Wonder how will 'Tiffy Jr' look like...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
After sooooooooooooooooooooo many months, I finally went to gym(again!!). Thanks to Chui Yoke, my colleague, who encourage me to go together...
I have set my goal to lose a few pounds before my photo shooting next Friday. I'm getting excited of the upcoming events, and worry if I will look fat or ugly in the photos......
But i wonder if i will be persistance and go again tomorrow.(which i doubt so..). We'll see how...
I have set my goal to lose a few pounds before my photo shooting next Friday. I'm getting excited of the upcoming events, and worry if I will look fat or ugly in the photos......
But i wonder if i will be persistance and go again tomorrow.(which i doubt so..). We'll see how...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
GoWn FiTTinG For PhoTo ShOoTiNg
The time for gown fitting(for photo shooting) has finally arrived....Been very excited about the gown fitting for the past few weeks, partly was because I was praying hard to at least find a nice piece this round(especially after the last incident when I went for my gown fitting, and partly was because I have read about Nee's blog describing the excitement and unforgettable memories when she went for hers.
So this time I had my appointment on a Sunday( I would not want it to be on a weekday when I gotta rush from office and the mood just wasnt right to choose wedding gowns.....). This round was accompanied by different 'judges'- bf and my elder sister.
Guess my prayer was answered! Had the choosing and fitting in less than an hour. Below are the list of gowns I've chosen for my photo shooting:-
4 wedding gowns
- a long 'train' tube style
- a bareback white and silver piece(which i love it to the max..at least that's 1 of the best piece in the whole shop)
- a flair and soft piece with gold ribbon at the back of the dress
- a sweet mermaid type dress
3 evening gown that consist of
- a red flair and soft Athern style,
- navy green princess style(actually I don't like the color, but I just couldn't find a nicer piece, so no choice..) and
- a purple cheongsam(you guys must be wondering since when I'm into chinese cheongsam, rite?)
Now I'm counting my days for my photo shooting set on 29th May(outdoor) and 7th June(indoor).......Wonder how it feel to be a 'model' for a day!!!
So this time I had my appointment on a Sunday( I would not want it to be on a weekday when I gotta rush from office and the mood just wasnt right to choose wedding gowns.....). This round was accompanied by different 'judges'- bf and my elder sister.
Guess my prayer was answered! Had the choosing and fitting in less than an hour. Below are the list of gowns I've chosen for my photo shooting:-
4 wedding gowns
- a long 'train' tube style
- a bareback white and silver piece(which i love it to the max..at least that's 1 of the best piece in the whole shop)
- a flair and soft piece with gold ribbon at the back of the dress
- a sweet mermaid type dress
3 evening gown that consist of
- a red flair and soft Athern style,
- navy green princess style(actually I don't like the color, but I just couldn't find a nicer piece, so no choice..) and
- a purple cheongsam(you guys must be wondering since when I'm into chinese cheongsam, rite?)
Now I'm counting my days for my photo shooting set on 29th May(outdoor) and 7th June(indoor).......Wonder how it feel to be a 'model' for a day!!!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
~Fw33Yi's BiRthDaY BaSh~
Time: 7Pm
Venue: Michaeangelo's, Pavilion KL
Surprise birthday cake presentation by the staff
Singing birthday song to the birthday girl....
Yummy Tiramisu from Grand Millenium Hotel(I was the one who chose this cake, yummy!!!)
The lovely couple......
The gang...
Me and my full tummy..yummy dinner.......
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
WhAt A DaY To StArT Off.....
Yeah, it was finally weekend!!!! Got up as early as 7am and waited for my maid to come and do housechores. Who knows she called up at about 9am and informed me that she couldnt make it!!!! Wasted my sleeping time.....
Then decided to go back to office to settle some reports(what a dull decision to go back on weekend when I should enjoy shopping, rite?!?!?). Bf accompanied me to my office, but guess what!!!! There was a big notice sticked at the main entrance of my office stating that they were conducting electricity supply checking and they would turn off the electicity for the whole building for 1 day!!!! What the Heck!!Why no one inform us earlier????? This was truely not my day.....
So off we went to Pavilion since we got nothing to do until my next appointment. It was relaxing though, at least I got to get out of the house after being quarantined for a week(except for work) after what happened last weekend......
Facial time at last-->my favourite passtime activity!!!! SssssssssssssssoooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo relax!!!!
Then went to bf's friend for pre-wedding dinner at Kepong! What an experience!!!!!
Then decided to go back to office to settle some reports(what a dull decision to go back on weekend when I should enjoy shopping, rite?!?!?). Bf accompanied me to my office, but guess what!!!! There was a big notice sticked at the main entrance of my office stating that they were conducting electricity supply checking and they would turn off the electicity for the whole building for 1 day!!!! What the Heck!!Why no one inform us earlier????? This was truely not my day.....
So off we went to Pavilion since we got nothing to do until my next appointment. It was relaxing though, at least I got to get out of the house after being quarantined for a week(except for work) after what happened last weekend......
Facial time at last-->my favourite passtime activity!!!! SssssssssssssssoooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo relax!!!!
Then went to bf's friend for pre-wedding dinner at Kepong! What an experience!!!!!
HapPy BiRtHDaY To ELdeSt Sis
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to my dear eldest sis.......
Happy birthday to you!!!!!
Sis must be enjoying herself in Sydney shopping and sightseeing now... sent her birthday sms also never reply....Sis, remember my pressie from Aus ya when you come back from Sydney trip........

Do we look alike??
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
No Wat3r DaY
Today both bf n I managed to leave office at 6pm(it's a rare ocassion we can leave soooo early). One of the reason was to go home and play 'masak-masak' coz we thought it'll be healthier to cook at home rather than dine out everyday.
Back home, prepared all the ingredients and started cooking. I was the chef of the nite!!!!!
But I think it just wasn't my day! Was halfway cooking when i realised there were no water in the tab!Oh No.......How was I gonna cook or clean up the stuff?!?!?! Hai, no choice lor, will think of the cleaning part after dinner lah...
After dinner, still no water available. Wondered if I actually paid my water bill, but I was sure I did coz just did it last week. So asked my neigbour whether they encountered the same problem. Guess what!? We found out that the whole building was out of water......Gee, why there was no warning or notice from the management on this matter earlier on??What am I gonna do with the whole pile of plates sitting in my kitchen.......
Til now, still no water available and the cooking utentils are still piled up in the basin......Guess ants will have their party soon....
Back home, prepared all the ingredients and started cooking. I was the chef of the nite!!!!!
But I think it just wasn't my day! Was halfway cooking when i realised there were no water in the tab!Oh No.......How was I gonna cook or clean up the stuff?!?!?! Hai, no choice lor, will think of the cleaning part after dinner lah...
After dinner, still no water available. Wondered if I actually paid my water bill, but I was sure I did coz just did it last week. So asked my neigbour whether they encountered the same problem. Guess what!? We found out that the whole building was out of water......Gee, why there was no warning or notice from the management on this matter earlier on??What am I gonna do with the whole pile of plates sitting in my kitchen.......
Til now, still no water available and the cooking utentils are still piled up in the basin......Guess ants will have their party soon....
Saturday, May 2, 2009
DrAmAtiC DaY @ Th3 CurV3
Bf was outstation for work today( I know, i know, it's Saturday and on a long weekend!!!), so I decided to join my sis and her friend, Sherina, for shopping at The Curve.
Sis was suppose to pick me up at about 11am, but she turned up at 1pm instead. Don't be surprise, I'm used to all these already.
The first destination was Zara warehouse sale( our main reason to go there..hehehhe). Didn't get anything i fancied, so we decided to browse around the weekend flea market. Suddenly, I felt giddy and collapsed at the flea market walkway. Sis was shocked, people around me stopped by and watched the scene. The picture was blur and scary.....OMG!!! It was soooo embarasing!!!( luckily no one made a big deal by calling the ambulance!!!)
After awhile, I returned to my conciousness. Sis brought me to the nearby clinic for check-up. Thanks goodness it was nothing seriuos, just low blood pressure......Scary scary...It was such a dramatic scene. Sis treated me like a princess after the incident, kept asking whether I'm ok, I'm hot, I'm hungry, I'm etc......Sis, you can be a part-time nurse...wuahhaha...
Before i fainted for the next time, sister quickly brought me for lunch @ Kim Gary...
Sherina & Sister @ Kim Gary...
See what i mean....
Friday, May 1, 2009
HaPpY LaBoUr DaY...
Happy Labour Day to everyone!!!!
So glad that I didn't have to work today, so got to sleep in til the sun dawn...hehehe....
Went for shopping with bf at 1Utama since we both got nothing to do. I tried to be good gal, not to buy any unnessary stuff, and I performed excellently. Bf was impressed that I didnt even shop for clothings nor shoes nor costmetic nor etc.....
Then went to TGIF for dinner before we headed home. What a relaxing day.........
So glad that I didn't have to work today, so got to sleep in til the sun dawn...hehehe....
Went for shopping with bf at 1Utama since we both got nothing to do. I tried to be good gal, not to buy any unnessary stuff, and I performed excellently. Bf was impressed that I didnt even shop for clothings nor shoes nor costmetic nor etc.....
Then went to TGIF for dinner before we headed home. What a relaxing day.........
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