I was very excited and overwhelmed today when I got to know that 3 of my girlfriends are getting FAT!!!! (well, I knew 2 of them got Fat earlier and 1 is due end of this month, but another girlfriend in the gang is Fat too!!) Wow, I'm just so excited for them that I even thought of joining in the Fat group soon.
Hubby and I have been wanting to have another baby so that Jayden will have a companion to grow up with, sharing all the good and bad times together as a family. Please wish me luck, I wanna get FAT!!

Mummy Ki, a beautiful and hang fook 'siu lai lai' with 2 beautiful children. Currently preggie for 8 weeks.
Ki, I'm sooooo happy for you when I got to know about your news today!!

Kam, currently preggie for 7 weeks, has a beautiul marriage with a loving hubby to treats her like a princess.
Nee, EDD is 30/05/2012, expecting to 'burst' anytime from now. I'm soooo looking forward to meet your prince charming so that Jayden will have another friend to play with.
Gals, welcome to the Mummy Club!!! U gals rocks!!
thx for the write-up. i'm sure evyone's happy. wish u luck ya, join the fat club again ya...