Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 20, 2009


3 more days to my ROM!!!! Gee, time flies...There's so many things I have not done to prepare for my ROM. What am I gonna wear? How shall I do my hair? What type of make-up should I use? etc.....

Date: 22nd August 2009
Venue: PJ

Friday, August 14, 2009

InTeRNeT's BaCk!!!

I'm finally able to login to internet from home after living in 'dark' for the past few weeks.....Horray!!!!!!....There's so many things I would like to post in my blog, which I've been praying hard to have my internet connection back to normal!!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Aft3r A LoNg SilenCe

Hi readers, it has been awhile since I last posted my blog. Life have been sooooo busy lately with never ending workload, pre-marriage courses to attend, accompany bf to all the business meetings(almost everynight!!! ), and worstly, the internet at home was down for the past few weeks....

So where am i know?Sitting at Starbucks Bangsar and sipping Caramel Frapuchino while updating my blog.'s only 11.09pm and I feel sooooo tired.....Jokingly asking bf whether we're going into 'old man's life' whereby we're stuck at Starbucks on a Friday night, when we're suppose to be out there clubbing and having fun!!!

Yawn....gee....i think i really need my, can we go home now??


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